The correct way to use BlocProvider

Mario Gunawan
Mar 23, 2023


For those who encountered the same problem

Recently I’ve encountered an error that said I cannot call add to a closed bloc because it’s closed. The issue occurs because I was using getIt with BlocProvider, for example:

create: (_) => getIt.get<StoreBloc>(),
child: SomeChild()

The thing is, if we’re using it like this and we calls Navigator.of(context).pop() , it also closes the bloc inside the getIt. To mitigate this issue, we need to use other method that does not close the bloc when we navigate to other screen. That method is BlocProvider.value. We should change the above’s method to:

value: getIt.get<StoreBloc>(),
child: SomeChild()

To avoid any errors because of navigation, I recommend if you’re using getIt to store your bloc/cubit, to also use this approach.

That’s all, hope this helps!



Mario Gunawan

I'm a passionate mobile / web developer. Writing articles about software development, mainly about flutter and react.